Are you feeling tired, sluggish, or lacking energy throughout the day?


Are you struggling to maintain a healthy weight or experiencing digestive issues?

Do you find yourself frequently reaching for unhealthy snacks or relying on caffeine to get through the day?

Are you feeling mentally foggy, unable to focus or concentrate as well as you'd like?

Do you feel like you're stuck in unhealthy habits and patterns that are hindering your wellness journey?


Do you want to feel lighter, more vibrant, and in control of your overall well-being?

Are you ready to prioritize your health and make positive changes that will support long-term wellness?


If so, then the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse is for you!
Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and comprehensive well-being alongside acclaimed Holistic Health Coach and speaker Alissa Xander.

Introducing the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse
Join us for a transformative 21-day guided cleanse from April 29th to May 19th, designed to help you revitalize your body, reset your mind, and embrace a healthier, more vibrant you.

This customizable cleanse is the perfect starting point for anyone who has never experienced a cleanse before or is looking for a fresh approach to their wellness journey.


Why Choose the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse?
  1. Customizable to Your Needs: The FLOURISH Spring Cleanse recognizes that you are unique, with your own dietary preferences and health goals. That's why this is a fully customizable experience, so you can start wherever you are on your wellness journey.

  2. Holistic Approach: This cleanse goes beyond just removing toxins from your body. It's about nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods, resetting your mind through mindfulness practices, and creating a holistic shift towards a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.

  3. Guided Support: Throughout the 21-day journey, you'll have access to expert guidance and support. You'll receive valuable resources, including meal plans, recipes, guided meditations, and daily inspiration so you can stay motivated and on track.

What to Expect from
the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse

Cleanse Your Body: Incorporate nourishing, whole foods into your diet and eliminate processed foods and toxins that may be weighing you down.

The cleanse is designed to support your body's natural detoxification process and promote optimal digestive health.


Reset Your Mind: Engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation and journaling, to cultivate a positive mindset and reduce stress.

Discover how to create healthy habits and patterns that will support lasting change beyond the cleanse.


Rejuvenate & Energize: Experience increased energy levels, improved digestion, brighter skin, and a renewed sense of well-being.

Spring is the perfect time to shed winter's sluggishness and embrace a fresh, revitalized version of yourself.


Weekly Support Calls: Throughout the cleanse, you'll have access to our exclusive weekly support calls. Join a community of like-minded individuals as we discuss relevant topics, share experiences, and provide additional guidance to support you on your cleanse journey.

These calls are an invaluable opportunity to ask questions, gain further insight, and connect with others who are on the same path toward wellness.


Daily Inspiration and Live Videos: As part of the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse community, you'll gain exclusive access to our private Facebook group.

Connect with like-minded individuals, receive daily inspiration, and watch live videos where Alissa will provide further guidance, answer questions, and offer additional support throughout your cleanse journey.

Don't Miss Out – Sign Up Today!

Ready to embark on your wellness journey? Sign up for the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Your body and mind will thank you!


Space is limited, so reserve your spot today for this 21-day cleanse now! Get ready to experience the power of cleansing, reset your mind, and embrace a new level of vitality.

Remember, it's never too late to start, and the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse is the perfect opportunity for beginners to dive in and start their cleanse journey.


Sign up now, and let the transformation begin!


FLOURISH Cleanse Recipe Book. Pick and choose the ones that make the most sense for where you are in your health journey. (valued at $47)


Printable FLOURISH Cleanse Workbook which includes reflective worksheets, tracking templates, and planning sheets to help you customize the cleanse to fit your life and your needs. (valued at $47)


Weekly Support Calls: We’ll discuss relevant topics, share experiences, and provide guidance to support you on your cleanse journey. (valued at $297)


Access to the recordings in case you miss any of the calls or want to watch them again. (valued at $97)


Daily Inspiration and Live Videos in the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse private Facebook community. Share your successes and struggles. Ask questions and get practical advice. (valued at $497)

Movement, meditation, and breath practices so you can create ease in body, mind, and spirit. (valued at $497)


A 30-minute one-on-one call with Alissa to clarify your biggest challenge and personalize one small step you can take to feel even better in your body naturally. (valued at $147)

Total value of MORE than $1600, but sign up BEFORE APRIL 27th and SAVE over 80%!!!

Get the FLOURISH Spring Cleanse for only $297 so you can feel amazing in your body before summer even gets here!


I can honestly say that I am in a better place after working with Alissa and using her proven method. I’m down 10 pounds. I eat healthier. I move more. I sleep better. And I’m still adding little tweaks to my habits to improve myself, and I plan to continue doing that for the rest of my life. 


My experience with Alissa was life changing. She is so inspirational, supportive and an amazing teacher. I learned so much in a short amount of time and was able to make reasonable changes that fit with my lifestyle.

Life has been extra stressful lately for everyone and Alissa has helped me take care of myself and stay focused on building better habits and habit stacking. The weekly calls with Alissa and the group brighten my day and are a highlight of my week. She is a role model and helps me see that change is possible for everyone. 


Working with Alissa as a guide for this program has been such a blessing to me.

Sometimes I will have days where it's an effort for me to do whatever I need to do. It feels like my Kapha body is dragging me down. But I really benefited from Ali's nature. First of all, which is very generous and giving, but also her ability to listen.

So that has been a huge thing for me to find someone who is such a great listener. And also, she always has the most insightful thing to give back to you in her feedback. I could listen to a lot of people and maybe not have the same feedback.

But she is a great listener. She actually digests what you're saying and gives back to you what you need to hear, whether it's something you want to hear or not; it's what you need to hear.




Still have a question? 
Questions? Contact me at or 610.760.3308